Copyright 1986
Thumper Productions:
This is about Sue in Fort Lauderdale who I taught to ride motorcycles, and a girlfriend in Roanoke who stopped at a stop sign in front of a tractor trailer that did not.
250 Motorcycle Mama
Well the 250 motorcycle mama, on her 250 motorcycle bike.
Went off to fight the war, on the freeways and more for the cause at the end of her life
Well the 10 ton jimmy powered diesel, well the jimmy powered, shiny towered truck.
On the way to Mobile, for the cash and a girl, with a truck driver down on his luck.
Well, rolling down that long smooth pavement, rolling down that long wide road.
Rode the 250 motorcycle mama and the jimmy with the 10 ton load.
Well the motorcycle motor split the evening, the motorcycle mama split the sky.
On a dance with the wind, feeling good like a sin, feeling good enough to make you want to cry.
Singing songs that you never told your mother, singing songs that you learn by growing old.
Rode the 250 motorcycle mama, and the jimmy with the 10 ton load.
Well she saw the jimmy cut off at the exit, she saw the diesel start to turn and sway.
On the gas going in, with a smile for the wind, ‘cause cryin’ ain’t the only way to pray.
Singing songs that you never told your mother, singing songs that you learn by growing old.
Singing songs you learn by flying in the nighttime, ‘neath a jimmy with a 10 ton load.
bass instrumental
Well the 250 motorcycle mama on her 250 motorcycle bike.
Won the wars with the jimmys and the freeways, yeah ‘cause you can’t lose a thing when you’re living your own life.
Well the 250 motorcycle mama on her 250 motorcycle bike.
Won the wars with the jimmys and the freeways, yeah, ‘cause you can’t lose a thing when you’re living your own life.
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