Cabbage Patch
Copyright 1972 Thumper Productions:

Well I came upon a glowworm

He was crawling though my cabbage patch

And I said I’d share this joint but cha know boy

Don’t got no match

And he said now mister farmer

I’m a glowworm can’tcha see

When it comes to getting lit

Don’tcha know that you

Can count on me


Well I came upon a pigeon

She was flying through my cabbage patch

And I said I’d share this joint but cha know girl

Don’t got no match

And she said now mister farmer

I’m a pigeon can’tcha see

When it comes to getting high

Don’tcha know that you

Can count on me


Well I came upon a gopher

He was digging through my cabbage patch

And I said I’d share this joint but cha know boy

Don’t got no match

And he said now mister farmer

I’m a gopher can’tcha see

When it comes to diggin on it

Don’tcha know that you

Can count on me



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