
Copyright Thumper Productions

Written by ThumperD


I have seen the children sleeping in the rain,

I have seen the children hiding from the pain,

I have seen the children sleeping in the dirt,

I have seen the children hiding from the hurt.

Please don’t let them cry.

Please tell my why

I have seen the mother with sorrow on her face,

I have seen the mother whose family has no place.

Please don’t let her cry.

Please tell my why

I have seen the father working overtime,

I have seen the father, when all that’s left is crime.

Please don’t let him cry.

Please tell my why.


Email to thumperd at thumperd dot com

Copyright 1999 Thumper Productions

All rights reserved. No part of music, titles, lyrics, images, and likenesses to the band name, band members or names covered by copyrights hereon may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means--graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems--without written permission and consent of the publisher.